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Creatures of the Occult


A New Religion

Alert Code Black On

Autopsy on the Living


Biological Warfare

Brainwashed by the Media

Burn the Traitors

Bye Bye

Christian Ambush

Darkness From the Heart


Diablow Dub

Dipping Crackers

Don't Deliver Us From Evil

Fear Is the Most Powerfull Weapon

For Satans Sake, No Break!!

Ghost and Vampires

Good Judgement

He Hung Himself

Head Off

Hel En Verdoemenis

Hell Is Our Home

In the Name Of

My Skull

Natas Fo Hcruc

No Joy

Religion Equals War and Everybody Loses

Ritual of Resistance



This Is the Voice


Warriors of the Evil One

We Are at War With Weak Music

We Are at War With Weak Musick

Whats Your Secret

You Will Be Punished

Do I Look Like??

Who Cares About Your Soul??

Heaven Is Destroyed

The End for the Weak, Not for the Unholy

The Shadow of My Brain

The Unconditional Dark

The Whoreshippers

The Wild Terrifies Me

The World Is Killing Me